Primitive and savage races all over the world have always paid a great deal of attention to their hair.
It seems that, even in ancient times, curled hair was considered more attractive than straight hair. Artificial means were used to curl the hair, and it was done by both men and women. Men also curled their beards.
With the coming of civilization, methods of arranging and dressing the hair became more varied. During the Renaissance curling irons, henna for dyeing, and silk floss wigs were popular all over Europe.
In fact, men were so fond of wearing long hair arranged in all kinds of fashions that King Henry VIII of England issued an order for all men to wear only short hair. But he allowed them to grow nice beards and to curl their mustaches. When James I came to the throne of England (1603), men again grew long hair and curled it.
The custom of short hair for men became definitely established in the 19th century. But for hundreds of years, women had worn long hair because they were taught that hair was the "crowning glory" of their appearance. It is interesting to note that, despite this, bobbing the hair was actually a fad at the court of Louis XIV and was also popular at the court of James I of England.